Who We Are?

PELUM Association Governance

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Association is a regional network of over 250 civil society organizations in 12 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa working in the area of participatory ecological land use management. The Association works to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and the sustainability of farming communities, by fostering ecological land use management. Country chapters include Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland and Ethiopia.

Our Vision

Empowered and Resilient smallholder farming Communities Sustainably utilizing their natural resources.

Our Mission

To enhance the effectiveness of member organisations to empower their affiliate smallholder farming communities in practicing agroecology through capacity building, research and innovation, networking, advocacy for equitable improvement in their livelihoods.

PELUM in Uganda

Since 1995, PELUM Uganda has been working to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and the sustainability of rural communities, through the fostering of ecological land use management. We:

  • Share skills and knowledge about good practices and techniques, through a broad network of likeminded organisations;
  • Undertake research and demonstration projects; and
  • Advocate for policies that better support small-scale farmers;

Core Values

Equity: People are equal in rights and must be treated with respect and dignity at all times.  
Meaningful participation: We work collaboratively to ensure that the decisions we make as an organization are participatory, inclusive and in the best interest of the people we serve.  
Sustainability: Our programmes and services shall empower communities to sustainably manage their natural resources for better quality of life and healthy environment for now and generations to come.
Accountability: Accountability and transparency are central to all of our actions and use of resources
  Professionalism: Our team is a collection of traits that include reliability, competence, dependability, respect, and integrity.
  Innovation: Finding effective solutions requires innovative thinking combined with a pragmatic approach.

Our Identity

PELUM Uganda is a network of stakeholders acting together to promote agroecology among smallholder farming communities in Uganda.

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