The Government of the Republic of Uganda represented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) and Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Uganda sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the 25th July 2024.
L-R: Ms. Josephine Akia Luyimbazi, Country Coordinator-PELUM Uganda, Dr. Christopher Kyeswa, PELUM Uganda Country Board Chairperson and the State Minister for Agriculture, Rt. Hon. Fred Bwino Kyakulaga pose for a group photo shortly after signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and PELUM Uganda in the Minister’s office.
L-R: Dr. Christopher Kyeswa, PELUM Uganda Country Board Chairperson, Ms. Naome Kabanda, Director of Land Management in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development having a light moment during the 8th Land Awareness Week 2024 organized between PELUM Uganda, Partners and the Uganda’s Ministry of Lands
The Country Coordinator, PELUM Uganda- Josephine Akia Luyimbazi sharing her remarks during the 1st Cohort of AWOLA (Africa Women Leaders in Agroecology) graduation ceremony. I her remarks, she acknowledged the great support by Tudor Trust in providing financial support to ensure that the AWOLA Program realizes the intended aims/objectives.
A smallholder farmer from Rukiga, Rwamucucu Village affiliated to Let’s Change My Village appreciates the use of biochar and bokash as fertilizers in his garden
PELUM Uganda and Action Aid International Uganda partners pose for a group photo after the launch of a study report during the National Climate Justice Week, May 2024
Aloet and Amoro Farmer Field School showing some of the tools (diversity wheel) used in the diagnosis stages during the Farmer Managed Seed Systems Caravan 2023.
Participants of the National Consultative Meeting on the National Agroecology Strategy pose for a group photo at Hotel Africana, 21st May 2024
Animal Integration in Agroecology: Alexandra Atuyamba, one of the PELUM Uganda members making bio-slurry at his farm in Rukiga District.
Some of the participants during the Women in Agroecology Expo pose for a group photo at Makerere University Freedom Square
Harvesting the Fruits of Our Labor: Farmers affiliated to Let’s Change My Village, in Rukiga District Showcase their Bountiful Crops on which they applied biochar and bokash.
Some of the Biochar equipment that were given to Alexandra Atuyamba, a PELUM Uganda member to train farmers within the community how to make char .
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Participants showing their interest to be part of the 'Community of Practice' on Farmer Managed Seed System ( FMSS) policies and regulations during the on- going methodological workshop taking place at Hotel Kalipano, Malawi.
4Happening at Hotel Kalipano, Malawi! Partners from Uganda (@pelum_uganda, @OxfaminUganda & @ESAFFUG), Malawi (@Oxfam in Malawi), Nerthalands (@oxfamnovib), @ICRISAT, @Cirad are participating in a methodological workshop.
3PELUM Uganda
PELUM Uganda works to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through fostering Ecological Land Use Management
1 week ago
1 week ago