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PELUM Uganda in Numbers up to 2023

Districts of Operation
Households directly reached during Seed Caravan
Sensitized on Land Rights
Benefited from FFS activities
PGS Groups supported
Resource persons trained
Strategic Partnerships established on Promotion of Agroecology
Policies influenced
of small holder farmers are women
Youth reached
Youth participated in 2AMASE

PELUM Uganda Funding Partners

PELUM Uganda Strategic Partners

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is a well-established fact that Uganda's agricultural sector is a significant driver of employment, engaging over 75% of the country's population - Dr Omodo Jesca, Program Officer Advocacy

𝐔𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰: Financing for Land

Tune in to @ubctvuganda for a comprehensive discussion on the importance of land finance in driving sustainable development and promoting secure land ownership and management in Uganda.


Coming Soon!! on @ubctvuganda!!! Talkshow on Financing for Land under the theme "Unlocking Land potential for Sustainable Development". Tune-in and get to know your #LandRights and the importance of financing for land ownership & management in Uganda.

District local governments in the Busoga sub-region have petitioned the government to intervene in the rising land disputes. Leaders highlight the unresolved degazzetting of 48 villages in Mayuge district, where 500 hectares from Bukaleba Central Forest Reserve in

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PELUM Uganda

PELUM Uganda

PELUM Uganda works to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through fostering Ecological Land Use Management

5 days ago

PELUM Uganda
Coming Soon!! on @ubctvuganda!!! Talkshow on Financing for Land under the theme "Unlocking Land potential for Sustainable Development". Tune-in and get to know your #LandRights and the importance of financing for land ownership & management in Uganda. ... See MoreSee Less
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